December 28, 2008

Christmas in Rome

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Although ours was very nice, it could not beat being at home with family and friends. As you can tell by the title of this blog entry, we spent the week of Christmas in Rome. We left on the 22nd and returned on the 27th, so we had a busy week of sight seeing, shopping, and enjoying an occasional gelato (Italian ice cream).

Rome with a 3 year old (I know, I cannot believe he is 3 either) requires careful planning as well as a heavy duty stroller. Public transportation in Rome is not great, therefore, if you are not up for walking, you are often required to take a taxi, which is expensive, not to mention a risk since many times you will be taken advantage of. Thankfully, the weather was wonderful, sunny and 60 for the majority of our visit, so we walked what seemed to be several miles a day. Our poor stroller, which is considered an "all terrain" stroller has had it. Rome's cobblestone streets, curbs, and numerous steps took their toll on our once indestructible stroller, but it lasted the trip and kept Henry somewhat comfortable for 6-7 hours a day, including naps and a few meals.

Having a child still in diapers also requires some extra planning, although, finding a bathroom in a hurry for a child would have also presented a challenge. Since attractions such as the Colosseum and the Pantheon do not have "diaper changing stations", one must be creative. We were lucky enough to have packed plenty of diapers and not have them lost with our luggage like one unlucky couple we met outside of the Colosseum did. Because we had been warned by several people and travel publications that Rome was notorious for pick pockets and scam artists, we were really suspicious of everyone who approached us. While outside of the Colosseum, a couple with two young children approached us. They explained they had just arrived in Rome and their luggage was lost, along with all of their diapers. John and I were a bit confused, we had people ask us for spare change, to buy various trinkets, to take guided tours, to buy flowers, even to buy a tripod, but diapers was a new one. Thankfully, I am never without plenty of diapers and was able to give them a few.

During our time in Rome we saw the highlights, including the Pantheon, the Colosseum, the Vatican Museum, St. Peter's Basilica, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and numerous basilicas and sights too numerous to mention. Our favorite by far was the Vatican Museum and St. Peter's Basilica. These attractions are something you truly have to see to believe. Some of my pictures of these sights are a bit blurry and dark, flash photography was not permitted in some areas.

In addition to the various sites, John and I enjoyed observing the Italian lifestyle and culture. Since our hotel was on the outskirts of town, the hotel had a shuttle bus that took us back and forth daily to a plaza in the center of town. While waiting for the shuttle daily, we usually enjoyed a warm drink in a corner coffee shop and observed cultural practices of Italians. The coffee bar was a revolving door of people coming and going while doing a "shot" of espresso in between. Literally, people would come in off the street, order their shot, drink it while standing and leave immediately. Another thing I will never understand is who came up with the rules of parking and driving in Italy. Parking is random at best and people seem to make up the rules of driving as they go. I never thought I would say this, but driving in Germany is much more organized and orderly.

John is going to be off for another week, so we plan to relax and perhaps take a few day trips to neighboring towns and communities that we have not had a chance to visit yet. I am not sure if we will take any more big trips before the baby comes, I am now in my last trimester and can feel myself slowing down a bit. After six days of walking all over Rome, I was glad to get on the airplane home.

Thanks to all who sent us Christmas cards and well wishes, we will be home next year to share the holiday with you. Christmas was not the same without family, friends and snow!! Yes, I said snow. Everyday I talk to my Mom and sister, they tell me more snow is either falling or on the way, although it can be a nuisance, when you are away from it, you do miss it.

Enjoy the pictures, it was difficult to choose which ones to post as I took over 200 photos!

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