It hard to believe a couple of weeks have passed since my last update. We are staying very busy. John and I attended a dinner and auction last weekend and left with a couple of very nice items. The theme was "flea market finds", so there were many interesting items that were found at German flea markets throughout the year. The event was held at the military base which is only about 5 minutes from our house and proceeds from the event went toward scholarships for military children.
Henry's social calendar is also staying full. He has made many friends through school and church. One afternoon we went to a facility called "Happy Faces" with a group of children from church. It is a huge place full of jumping houses, mazes, and jungle gym type equipment that is perfect for a high energy little boy like Henry. We played there for a couple of hours and then both of us were ready for a nap when we got home - I think I ran around as much as he did trying to keep an eye on him.
Last night Henry attended his first "friend" birthday party. A little girl from his school was turning 5 and had a few friends over to celebrate. It may sound like Henry and Lucy (his friend) may not have much in common, she is a 5 year old girl and he is a 3 year old boy, but they both are from Iowa and their moms have become good friends. Lucy and her family are from Iowa City and are in Germany with her Dad's job as well (not JD). It was funny how we met Lucy's Mom, Molly - I was talking to someone about where I was from, I gave my usual response to the question, "the eastern part of Iowa", when Molly (my friend) yelled from across the room "Did someone say they were from Iowa?". We have been friends ever since, not only because she is from Iowa, but also because she and her family are wonderful people and friends. Henry and Lucy both attend the same school international school in Heidelberg. Anyway, back to the party. The theme of the party was "Hello Kitty", which Henry had never heard of, so he kept calling "Hello Kitty" the "Cat Creature" (an episode from Scooby Doo). Again, he was exhausted when it was time to leave and can't wait for the next party.
Today is Valentines Day. Valentines Day is not a popular here as it is in the States. I made cupcakes for John to take to work and for Henry to take to school yesterday and most people asked what the occasion was. Henry did receive a few Valentines, but most view the day as "no big deal". Another JD couple offered to watch Henry for us so John and I could enjoy a Valentines dinner out. Henry always loves spending an evening with Abby and Samantha so we accepted. John and I had not had Mexican food since we left the States, not because there are no Mexican restaurants in Germany, there are a few, but most people say they are not worth trying, so when we heard of a good Mexican restaurant, John and I were ready to go. The restaurant was about an hour south of Heidelberg near an U.S. airbase. The drive was nice and the restaurant ended up being okay - it was good for "German Mexican".
Sunday is Nana's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANA!! She and Papa are in Florida visiting Aunt Ruth for a couple of weeks right now, hopefully having a great time and enjoying some warmer weather. My sister said Dubuque got a ton of snow last night, so I am sure they appreciating looking at the sand instead of snow. They will only be home a couple of weeks and then they are coming over here to visit and help with the baby (and John and Henry). Between the baby coming and my parents coming to visit, we are defiantly looking forward to March. We have a tentative delivery date scheduled for March 24th, if everything goes according to plan, so mark your calendars!!